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1. Übersetzt aus FAQs vom Laurent Clerc National Deaf Education Center. Weitere Informationen zum Lesen finden Sie hier.   


2. Brown, P. Margaret & Watson, Linda M. (2017). Language, play and early literacy for deaf children: the role of parent input, Deafness & Education International, 19:3-4, 108-114, 10.1080/14643154.2018.1435444


3. Dirks, Evelien & Wauters, Loes. (2017). It Takes Two to Read: Interactive Reading with Young Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Children, The Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 23(3), 261–270,


4. Gárate, Maribel. (2014). Developing Bilingual Literacy in Deaf Children. Literacies of the Minorites: Constructing a truly inclusive society. 37 - 54. Kurosio Publishers. 


5. Humphries, T., Kushalnagar, P., Mathur, G. et al. (2012). Language acquisition for deaf children: Reducing the harms of zero tolerance to the use of alternative approaches. Harm Reduct J 9, 16,   


6. Howerton-Fox, A., & Falk, J. L. (2019). Deaf Children as “English Learners”: The Psycholinguistic Turn in Deaf Education. Education Sciences9(2), 133. MDPI AG. 


7. Hall W. C. (2017). What You Don't Know Can Hurt You: The Risk of Language Deprivation by Impairing Sign Language Development in Deaf Children. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 21(5), 961–965.


8. Berke M. (2013). Reading books with young deaf children: strategies for mediating between American Sign Language and English. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education18(3), 299–311.



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